Monday, December 2, 2013

I don't know why we attempt to figure out other people when we all, and I mean ALL, cannot figure out ourselves. We can figure out some things in life about others, but what is the point if you are so screwed up that you cannot think straight?

I've seen far too many people criticize others when they themselves need major overhauls. Heck, I am in constant need of major overhaul. I must find my way out of death, and there is no way out other than death. Who made up this crap? Who did this to us? If God is so good, why did he do this to us?

The cruelties of life are best summed up by death. I LOVE life far too much, because I know the endgame. There is no way out. There is no love everlasting. I will die and have to leave behind Michele and children and the things I love for what? Pie in the sky heaven?

I don't get heaven. I am more than happy with the love of Michele. With the love of my children. I don't want perfections. Boring. Who wants to walk around without free will? Who wants to walk around without the knowledge that they COULD do something wrong?

Yes, living crime-free and hate-free would be nice...for a while. But then, complacency has to set in. Or else I am not going to be who I am now. Oh, I'll be better...great. I am not a bad person as I am. Why do I want to be someone I am not? After all, it's our flaws that make us each so beautiful.

Gotta run. Lots of other writing and things to do. I'll be back though...

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