Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Am the Last Confused Man

Doesn't it seem like everyone knows everything about life these days? We pry into the psyches of our professional athelets. Heck we do it to college atheletes, high school atheletes all the way on down to our tiniest atheletes. The proposition in all this is that we know and they need our "expertise".

You have your Buddhists, Muslims and Christians. Hindus, Krishnas and athiests. They all KNOW. They've answered the riddles of the universe and beyond. I understand faith. I understand it is to believe in the hope of something. I am a Christian myself. I appear to be the only Christian who stands confused.

I'm confused by a world of knowledge that grows nanosecond by nanosecond. I'm confused by those who claim to "know truth" but who follow lies. I'm confused by fellow Christians who "know the Lord" but lord this knowledge over everyone around them.

My children confuse me. I was once a child. I don't recall being all that confused as a child. Yet I listen and I observe and I can't for the life of me figure out what they're thinking. This blog will be my refuge from confusion. I'll post to it as I am overwhelmed by confusion. This could be a daily thing.

Confusion is the one thing I know better than anything else. At least that's how it feels at times. Come on back. I may just confuse you as well.