Monday, May 24, 2010

Confusion Says:

Confusion commonly takes root out of a directionless venture. When I'm going somewhere (intangible) and I did not mark out the path I would attempt to take, I get confused. Could be a little Alzheimer's kicking in, but still I drown in a directionless spiral.

Confusion tells me to flee to stupidity. It's amazing how many times I've been there. The path to stupidity is so well-worn, I could find it with my eyes closed (which is precisely how I often get there).

I don't open my eyes to warning signs that I might be on the wrong path. In fact, the path itself feels comfortable, so I trudge it, eventually realizing my folly, and then I fall into despair.

There is hope though. Making a plan and going for it can divert confusion. Confusion may tell you not to do this, not to make plans and follow through, but you must refuse that siren call.

Confusion says: "Stay with me."

You must say: "No."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Last Frontier

My thoughts are that the only true "last frontier" is the human mind. So much of our brain goes supposedly "unused". While this has been explored by many, and of course, many minds far more intelligent than I, my feeling is that we do not come anywhere near our ultimate potential.

The person who unlocks that secret, unlocks the gateway to eternity...