Saturday, October 5, 2013

Government, For the Government, By the Government...

The American people stand betrayed. Not simply hoodwinked by a corrupt government and a judicial system now a complete "buy-off", but also the corporate greed-mongers and media trend-shifters.

The atrocities of conscience by our government leaves me dumbfounded. From the absolute lie of the Federal Reserve being "federal" and possessing "reserves" both of which represent a mockery of the citizens of this country, to the coverup of incidents like the USS Liberty attack in 1967, the US government no longer presents an image of freedom and stalwart justice.

The United States government all the way down to city municipalities crumble under the weight of corruption, cronyism, and outright manipulations. The United States does not own its own money supply. This fact gets constantly swept from public consciousness by the very people who should correct the situation. Andrew Jackson successfully corrected our "central bank" money issues in 1835. Too bad no one can stand up to the "powers-that-be", most likely foreigners whether they be Chinese, Russian, or from the Arab nations.

Corporations, in conjunction and abetted by our false government, poison the populace with food detrimental to our health, all in the name of profit. Corporations run rampant with greed, avarice, unchecked by anyone but their collusive competitors.

The United States judicial system fell into a farcity of purchased justice many years ago. Pay your way out of trouble replaced justice long ago. The more money you hoard, the more "justice" you can afford.

Media. Ah, the media. Whores, purchased by corporate, private, or government cash to propagandize whatever agenda pays the bucks. Disgusting slants to articles, broadcasts, expose's, that sidle up more to fiction than actual truth.

Where wells up the outrage? Where boils the indignation of the masses? Are we to be coddled, entitled, pampered and deceived into complacency, apathy, and docility for our lifetimes? Everything playing out day-by-day, minute-by-minute in this country screams yes.

The United States cannot find a leader willing to take care of "The People." This is a government 'for the government, by the government' who sells out American values and principles, all to satisfy their human lusts for power and greed.

A pall mall rush to socialism, which has abjectly failed in every attempt by other nations, only serves to pad government employees pockets at the expense of the population. The United States government, along with corporations, foreign interests, a sham of a justice system and media (propaganda) manipulators prostituting themselves to sensationalism with no moral compass, sold out "The People."

No outrage? No leaders standing up like Andrew Jackson? It's a different time? Balderdash. A cop-out of weak-spirited people.  The United States fell to complacency, ease, entitlements, greed, apathy, and worse, we lost our souls to those we entrusted with our well-being.

When our own leaders will not use the "affordable care system" they force down the population's throat, there stands a problem. When we are penalized monetarily simply for walking this earth without a "health care" entitlement crammed  down our monetary gullet by our corrupt government, we've enslaved ourselves. When our own leaders will not use social security because they set up their own hyper-privilaged golden parachute retirements that run deep into their family lines while "The People" suffer, there stands a problem. When children of our politicians no longer participate in the defense of our country while the same politicians send our young out to be maimed and killed, there stands a problem.

When foreign entities own not only our money supply but our GNP, there stands a problem. When cover-ups by our government of incidents where foreign governments slaughter our own military, there stands a precedent for high treason to this country. Look into the truth of the USS Liberty attack. Disgusting that our President and a Senator called off our own fighter jets on their way to rescue our ship in distress - twice. This is not the only incident of our government allowing the deaths of military personnel to fit their agendas. Then, they blatantly cover up the incident. Happened recently as well, didn't it?

This country will fall. Without a leader willing to stand up to the tsunami of corruption rife within us, we will fall. As the fat-cat politicians pad their pockets and take care of their own, the middle class dwindles to nothing and the poor increase exponentially. This scenario has played out many times throughout history.

As long as the Untied States government purchases complacency through entitlements that make no fiscal sense whatsoever and are abjectly unsustainable, we will fall into the abyss of the hell of what might have been had we "The People" not allowed ourselves to be governed by self-seeking, greed/power mongers who look out for the status quo rather than what best serves "The People."

Just confused at how this nation got here...oh, yeah. I've seen how we got here. Disgusting...

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